Q: What does this service do exactly?

FreeHourBoost.com is a service to boost your Steam hours. Often used to "pimp" your profiles or look more legitimate in certain games.

Q: Can I play games while using FreeHourBoost.com?

Yes, And if you stop playing again and have Auto-Restart Enabled the service will automatically start boosting your hours again.

Q: Is it safe to connect my Steam account?

All details are securely encrypted and handled with the latest security standards.

Q: How can I get more free hours?

When your free hours have expired you can click on the "Renew Time" button on your free plan. If the global max free plans aren't maxed out you can renew your free plan time instantly. If all global free plan slots are taken you might need to wait a little bit before requesting/renewing the hours from your free plan.

Q: How can I add more time to my plan?

You can purchase a new license and then on the plan that you want to add the time to click on the "add time" button, Next a prompt will ask for a valid license key which you can then enter and click on confirm to add the time from that license to the plan.

Q: How do I upgrade my plan to a higher one?

If you activate a higher plan license on a currently active lower plan it will get the max games from the highest tier license. Example: If you activate a Basic Plan and then right after click on "Add Time" and use a Plus Plan License. The Total hours remaining will be 2000 (600+1200) and the game limit will be 12 (The highest plan license takes priority).

Q: What happens if I active a Basic license on my currently active ultimate plan?

Highest Plan takes priority, It will add up the 600 hours to your ultimate plan but still keep the max games on 33 from the ultimate plan.

Q: Will my plan downgrade if I activate a lower plan license on it to add time?

No, Downgrading a plan is not possible. It will just add up the hours from that license but keep the highest plan games limit.